13 Doorways to Achieving Self Actualization — Professional and Personal Growth

Dawna Jones
11 min readAug 13, 2022

Why Self-actualize?

The Covid interruption achieved what nothing else has — time out for people to rethink and reevaluate what is important to them. The exodus from transactional workplaces was marked by a record 4.3 million workers quitting their jobs in the U.S. during the month of August 2021. Is that happening elsewhere? Not in Europe. In Canada, maybe. No shortage of companies looking for staff.

Why? Was it that the experience of having the autonomy to make decisions affecting your quality of life was too good to give up? Workplaces that do not work for the human experience are no longer relevant or meet the needs of people whose values have become clear.

More innovations were achieved in seven months after the pandemic began than in the previous seven years, illustrating what is possible when attachment to the status quo is not practical. Perhaps we humans are capable of much more than either our organizations or comfort would enable.

Uncertainty challenges everyone to reach past the boundaries of what you believe to be true, to realize your potential, restore your vitality, and power within, to reconnect to nature and what matters at a heart level. Creativity and connection are the antidotes.

On the flip side, demands on time and energy can cause you to lose sight of what matters most. Uncertainties about what the future holds triggers insecurity.



Dawna Jones

Collectively designing a better world through conscious decision-making leadership. Adaptive Decision-making, Strategic Insights, Inspirational Insights Podcast