Transforming Business Consciousness Through Mindset, Leadership and Decision-making

Contrasting Traditional with Regenerative Business Cultures

Dawna Jones
15 min readSep 11, 2018



Executives and management with feet and mind anchored in traditional management beliefs and practices stand gazing directly at an increasing tsunami of pressure to adapt. On the traditional side, a limited decision-making consciousness dominates crafted by linear industrial business habits and outdated business school training. The traditional mindset comes with its ubiquitous set of beliefs and assumptions. On the business innovation and leadership side, now emerging with force, is the circular economy, self-managed governance, an energy revolution, technological innovation and a push for humans to contribute their full creative potential to something worth doing; worth achieving. In traversing the arc between present levels of consciousness and capacity to design with the flow of the emerging future exists a set of counter-intuitive contradictions that only a deeper dive into open-minded learning can put to good use.

To start, clarifying what is meant by consciousness and the current state of business consciousness will frame the here and now so that the leap from one state to another can be made to biosphere consciousness: where business regenerates depleted ecological systems…



Dawna Jones

Collectively designing a better world through conscious decision-making leadership. Adaptive Decision-making, Strategic Insights, Inspirational Insights Podcast